Plenary Session

Chaired by Peter Tomlein, Didier Coulomb, 13.1.2021 09:00 - 10:00


Dariusz Butrymowicz, Prof. dr habil.
Jose Miguel Corberan, Prof.
Piotr Cyklis, prof
Thiago Dutra, Doctor
Armin Hafner, Prof. Dr.
Václav Havelský, Prof
Sham Rane, PhD
Peter Tomlein, Doc. Ing. PhD.
Marek Zgliczynski


Title and Authors Session
Aurel Stodola Polymath and big personality
Juraj Hromkovic, Prof. Dr.
Plenary Session
Conference background and program
Peter Tomlein, Doc. Ing. PhD.
Plenary Session
HFCs Phase-Down: New International and National Challenges
Didier Coulomb
Plenary Session
New Flammable Refrigerant Charge Limit In Commercial Refrigeration
Marek Zgliczynski
Plenary Session
Safety in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps
Alexander Pachai
Plenary Session